SPEEDSTOP for Kia - for Kia 2021+ with CANFD Plug and Play KM freezer
Product Information For Kia 2020+ cars drive test or dyno test. While car drive test is possible to stop (freeze) odometer counting.
Works with :
How to install: Remove instrument cluster. Disconnect cluster 40 pins connector. Connect SPEEDSTOP according photos.
Speedometer in SPEEDSTOP mode will show car speed divided by 10 (driving 50km/h - speed indicator will show 5km/h) , odometer count 10 times slower (10%).
Using SPEEDSTOP on Kia 2020+: (hazard indicator on speedometer blinks every time when working mode are changed)
---> Mode1: Push 4x High beam light switch (hazard indicator on speedometer blinks 1 time) = Odometer freezed after 100km drive test will count 10km (10 %) , Speed indicator show speed divided by 10;
---> Mode2: Push 4x High beam light switch (hazard indicator on speedometer blinks 2 time) = SPEEDSTOP function is OFF, instrument cluster works like usually;
After Ignition OFF/ON SPEEDSTOP keeps selected working mode.
Price: €320.00 (without VAT)